ÖWGP Summer School on Sustainable Production

By Franz Haas on July 10th, 2023

From 10 July to 14 July 2023, the ÖWGP (Austrian Scientific Association of Production Engineering) organised its first international summer school at the Technical Universities of Graz and Vienna. Lectures and presentations over five days were organised under the topic of "Sustainable Production".

In the context of SME 5.0, issues such as energy efficiency, humans and labour, polymer technology and smart production were addressed in lectures and discussed in detail. Prof Franz Haas gave a lecture on data evaluation using edge computing and energy value analysis. The students (including those from SME 5.0 partner TUKE) developed concepts for saving energy in the production of a modern e-bike as part of a group study. An excursion to the HyCentA hydrogen research centre provided an insight into the world of hydrogen research relating to the production, distribution and use of hydrogen as an energy source in mobility and industry. But there was also plenty of opportunity to socialise.

Contacts were deepened and friendships made at a group dinner in the centre of Graz.
